
To take on Jeff Bezos, we must organize across Amazon’s global supply chain
The Guardian
Taking on Amazon will require us to take stock of its global infrastructure, and to reclaim it. Our organizing must stretch across the global economy and the regulatory archipelago that runs through it.
Internacionalismo o extinción
La Internacional progresista, que agrupa a partidos, sindicatos y movimientos sociales de todo el mundo, celebra su primera cumbre para cartografiar la crisis, reclamar un futuro compartido y fortalecer un frente planetario
Facts & Fantasies in the Fight Against Fascism
Following the recent election victory for Luis Arce and the Movement Towards Socialism in Bolivia, the Democracy Industry was quick to proclaim this as a victory for democracy itself. In this article, David Adler argues that by doing so, liberals overlook the historic power of workers in the fight against authoritarianism.
Announcing the Progressive International
A new global initiative with a mission to unite, organize and mobilize progressive forces around the world.
Exit Closed
With popular support for the EU on the rise, a left-wing exit no longer looks feasible. So where do we go from here?
Solidarity means dismantling the system everywhere
Progressive International
PI Council members on the uprising in the United States and around the world.
Oh, Mr Euro
London Review of Books
As captives of an aggressive short-termism, EU elites lack an external threat to stabilise their mode of rule. They see too little opportunity in crises. History, we write, does not impose reason on them.
The coronavirus crisis has buttressed Italy’s democratic state – for now
New Statesman
Virtually overnight, Italians have shifted from dismissive cynicism of their national government to a blind and trusting devotion – even as the nation has shut down and residents have been shut in.
If coronavirus sinks the eurozone, the ‘frugal four’ will be to blame
The Guardian
The Dutch-led opposition to a ‘coronabond’ to raise funds for nations hardest-hit by the pandemic is self-defeating
It’s Time to End the Fed’s ‘Monetary Triage’
The Nation
The IMF, not the US, should use its powers to make sure poor nations can afford to beat the coronavirus.
Germany is damaging the European economy. The answer? Raise German wages
The Guardian
Because Germany imports so little, other countries go into debt to pay for its exports. Higher pay could turn this around
A recession is coming. When it does, we need to demand a Green New Deal
The Guardian
Having squandered the last crisis, we cannot make the same mistakes again. A Green New Deal is the only reasonable response
Ursula von der Leyen’s Green Deal is doomed
The Commission’s political constraints will ensure it gets watered down.
Will the Radical Right Break the EU?
The New Republic
In the race for European Parliament, politics are going transnational — and threatening the union from within.
Europe’s Ancien Régime Returns
London Review of Books
To say that von der Leyen was ‘nominated’ by the Council and then ‘elected’ by the Parliament is a stretch. It may be more accurate to say the EU’s new leaders were ‘coronated’, much like after a papal conclave. They weren’t put to a public test, but selected in an atmosphere of intergovernmental informality.
The three mistakes behind Syriza’s demise in Greece
The Guardian
Alexis Tsipras and his party promised ‘hope is coming’, then refashioned his government as a rightwing force
Stop Polluting Our Green New Deal
As climate protests sweep across Europe, neoliberals are misusing the name “Green New Deal” to push new kinds of market incentives.
It’s time for nations to unite behind an International Green New Deal
The Guardian
Several countries have proposed their own versions of a Green New Deal, but climate change knows no borders. We need a global response.
The European Spring holds the answer to the fragmenting EU’s plight
The Guardian
Rather than trusting unaccountable bureaucrats, such as Macron suggests, our New Deal would empower citizens
Why Labour is dangerously foolish to turn against free movement
New Statesman
The Labour leadership champions “internationalism in one country” — but hardening borders won’t benefit workers.
We shouldn’t rush to save the liberal order. We should remake it
The Guardian
The UN security council, the IMF, the World Bank and the ILO were conceived as agencies of change – they can be again
The surprising supporters of the strongman in Brazil
Jews in Britain Are Not Facing an Existential Threat
Boston Review
Many people use anti-Zionism as a Trojan Horse for their anti-Semitism. But in case of contemporary Britain, I argue, many others are using a crusade against anti-Semitism as its own Trojan Horse for an uncritical Zionism.
AMLO’s Double Bind
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s victory in Sunday’s election signals new hope for Mexico. But implementing his radical programme may result in a severe backlash both at home and abroad.
Promise and Populism in Mexico
Boston Review
International observers are in a panic about Mexican presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and the “death of Mexican democracy.” But Mexican democracy is already in critical condition. AMLO is the country’s best chance to revive it.
Centrists Are the Most Hostile to Democracy, Not Extremists
The New York Times
Original research suggests that, across the Western world, centrists are the most hostile to democracy, most critical of democratic institutions, and most attracted to authoritarianism.
Right-Wing Populism Can’t Fix Globalization
The New Republic
How yesterday’s champions of economic nationalism became today’s servants of the global elite.
Who Cares About Inequality?
Current Affairs
Why the super-rich are so excited about curbing inequality.